It's absolutely astonishing to look back over all the chaos, costliness and mismanagement that has resulted from the incompetent leadership of Ottawa Impact. It's truly mind-blowing. And straight up sad. This is but a tiny glimpse, I fear, of what will come on a national scale if Trump is elected President.

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As far as I can tell Anderson hasn't done any work in the last few months anyway. He was never even around. Moss and everyone he hires is totally unreliable, inexperienced and incompetent. And as I have pointed out several times, this is exactly what Trump will do in a second term. I know there are a lot of Republicans who are disgusted with OI but still seem to think Trump will be great. Please look at what OI did to Ottawa County and remember that when you vote for President.

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Jon Anderson has such dedication to Ottawa County! 🤮 Wetmore, now in charge. So disappointing. Looking forward to the gaslighting to come from Moss & friends.

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It seems to me that anyone with common sense and decency, would be making a very wise choice to distance themself from OI. The voting outcomes from the primaries, and the upcoming outcomes next month should be a pretty clear indicator of what most people think of OI. Being aligned with OI would likely only tarnish the reputation of someone with a distinguished career. Aligning with OI would be no badge of honor.

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