Thanks, John Donnelly, for this essential essay on the fascist playbook and Trump's uses of it.

I'm hoping that this could get wider circulation in The Holland Sentinel.

Judy Parr

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This is one of the most important, concise and helpful things I have read about the red flags of Trump's fascist tendencies. Every vote matters. Every vote will be critical to the ongoing preservation of democracy. Thank you for putting in the research and good work, Mr. Donnelly!

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Wow, Mr Donnelly, you really explained our battle very clearly! I appreciate this article so much!

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Well thought out, well written. Excellent job! Many thanks for your time and effort. Now if only more people will read it!

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This should be required reading for anyone before they vote. In 1933, the general populace said “we didn’t know anything that was going on.” In 2024, we know everything. We know what could happen.

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Kinda like what’s happening in Ottawa County, 80% of the electorate doesn’t know about OI agenda.

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I am just one candidate running for office in Ottawa County, but I will be reposting this important article to give it a small opportunity to be read - and perhaps shared again. As someone targeted by Ottawa Impact since 2020, and until recently helping to lead a targeted county department, I see so many similarities in Mr. Donnelly’s descriptions of Hitler, Putin, our former President - and Ottawa Impact county commissioners. I am deeply concerned for our community and our nation. 34% of Ottawa County’s Republican, Independent, and Democratic voters said clearly in the primary results in August that they don’t want Ottawa Impact’s type of revenge governance. 59.3% voted against OI in the district I am running in. The question is, what is more important - the party or the candidate? Are we willing to vote outside our party to demonstrate our desire for character, competence, and sacrificial courage in our leaders. I am the only candidate independent of Ottawa Impact and Trump in my race, but I am also running as a Democrat in conservative Jenison, Hudsonville and Zeeland. 47 more days will tell us what we really value.

Thank you, Mr. Donnelly. I’ve learned a lot from you twice now! I’m very grateful.

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Thank you, Mr Donnelly, for an informative and thorough review and analysis of what we are currently facing as a country.

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Just wondering if the 2025 designed by the Heritage Foundation is the real play book for DJT, even though he says it’s not.

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Sarah - what options do we have for getting this article out to a wider audience? And thank you for publishing it under your Substack.

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You're free to "restack" if you're on Substack or share the link to the article, as all my content is free. Does that help? :)

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Yes, thank you. My personal reach is limited and I’m hoping that more of your readers will “restack” as you’ve noted. Keep up the good work!

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Take over and/or destroy opposition media:

Actions v Words. Which party worked to censor opposition media with government intervention? They shut down access to servers of media they didn't like, pressured social media platforms to suppress true stories, support deplatforming creators who voice opposing viewpoints.

Eliminate opposition political parties and future elections:

Which party nominated a candidate outside of the established long used selection process, disenfranchising voters in every state. Which party is attempting to use the law to manipulate if specific 3rd parties are allowed or forced to have candidates on the ballot in November?

Control the judiciary:

One party used the existing process to block, nominate, and approve judicial candidates. The other party is attempting to pass legislation to change the judiciary selection process. Pushing for court packing and term limits, to blatantly increase their influence of the judiciary.

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Thanks for your comments! 1) Who has shut down servers to which media outlets? 2) Are you aware that Dem voters are extremely happy with Biden stepping aside? Did you think it was wise for an 81 year old to run? 3) False on a party trying to pack the court. Neither party is pushing any legislation to do that.

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