I know Matt Witkos has a running tally of legal fees through the insurance authority. I think a major update will come soon.

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Good! Some justice for Adeline, anyway.

The idiots of OI have cost Ottawa County far more than money. We’ll be mopping up after their mess for years.

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But now Chairman Moss is looking for accountability, we be saved by due diligence now

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Does someone have the running number of how much OI has cost tax payers?

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There was no more justified and predictable outcome than for this woman to keep her job. We all feared she would lose but with two legal opinions, a failed lawsuit and a failed appeal preceding this attempt against the former public health officer, the one Joe Moss had his actual grievance against, the case against Adeline Hambley should have been so much more clear.

The shame of our system is that it took so long and required a well funded and skillful defense to protect the rights of someone so clearly in the right. One good point to our system is that she prevailed. If there is to be any other vindication of our system it will be that some form of justice will eventually be meted out against the people who distorted the system to their wicked ends.

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