Crap. I didn’t put a ton of hope at the Supreme Court with two losses before, but I do believe in the merits of this case and was holding out some hope. That means the MI legislature could pass an amended Open Meetings Act bill for the Governor to sign. And that’s one BIG reason why I am running this race to beat an incumbent who lives in Ottawa County and hasn’t initiated any action on this, even after the recommendation of Michigan’s Attorney General.
Just like their felonious role model, Ottawa Impact skims the edge of legality with egregiously unethical practices. The whole mess of them can’t be trusted, nor gone soon enough.
Crap. I didn’t put a ton of hope at the Supreme Court with two losses before, but I do believe in the merits of this case and was holding out some hope. That means the MI legislature could pass an amended Open Meetings Act bill for the Governor to sign. And that’s one BIG reason why I am running this race to beat an incumbent who lives in Ottawa County and hasn’t initiated any action on this, even after the recommendation of Michigan’s Attorney General.
Just like their felonious role model, Ottawa Impact skims the edge of legality with egregiously unethical practices. The whole mess of them can’t be trusted, nor gone soon enough.