It takes a lot of nerve when you have screwed up as badly as they have since coming into office, to then turn around and give yourself a raise!

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Not that they care, apparently, but this raise is one of the most politically tone-deaf proposals I've seen in a while. Wasn't one of the OI campaign pledges to be "fiscally responsible"?

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Keep in mind the pay cannot be reduced over the next 4 years. And the pay increase over 4 years for the full board is over $1 million. That includes the health care stipend, which is just wages by another name. Also keep in mind the Affordable care Act already offers generous monthly "stipends" for lower income households. The compensation committe used to have well qualified members. Business owners, human resources professionals, etc. They understood that the job of county commissioner was a part time job and they understood what the pay should be. The new committee members do not seem to have that level of expertise or understanding. Certainly the performance of the current Ottawa County Board of Commissioners does not merit over a million dollars in additional compensation for the next 4 years. It's sad that even if we vote Ottawa Impact out, the million dollars plus in increased compensation will be spent. At least we can hope it goes to much more competent commissioners.

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