This is the least fiscally responsible board that I can remember, and my memory goes back a long ways. They are reckless and incompetent. They don't think they have to follow any laws or rules they don't like. I hope people who are upset by this realize that Trump is Joe Moss on steroids. This is what a second Trump term will be like. He will replace competent employess with politically loyal incompetent employees. He wil disregard any law he does not agree with. He will totally abandon any fiscal responsibility. If you hate what Joe Moss has done, you are really going to hate what Trump is going to do.

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Thanks for the reporting on this! Joe Moss and OI are counting on people not knowing what they're up to as they make up their own rules to suit their needs. Without you shining a light on this board and their incompetence the Primary never would have turned out as well as it has! This county owes you a debt of gratitude for your reporting!

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We all need to be doing our own truth telling along with Sarah.

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I second that thought, Angela. We should be very thankful that Sarah keeps us up to date on the disaster that is Ottawa Impact. Joe Moss, the ultimate master of chaos and incompetence, seems determined to bankrupt Ottawa County before he's done.

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What we are experiencing with OI locally is what we will experience nationally if Trump gets elected... An autocrat who seems to have no problem wasting our tax paying funds to reward his rich friends.

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The community members of Ottawa County should be thankful that Commissioner Zylstra has been extremely thoughtful in his questioning attitude regarding this issue and well as others. Without him on the board the BOC chairman would continue to work to destroy our community, hopefully the chairman will end up on the back of the bus in November .

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Moss is a totally incompetent, fiscally irresponsible fool! This guy needs to be gone next year at whatever effort it takes to do so. He is an absolute disgrace to Ottawa County, does not play well with others, and has NO BUSINESS representing this county. If he steps one toe out of line next year I hope the BOC or citizens of Ottawa County take whatever steps needed to kick his arrogant, irresponsible butt to the curb. I will be happy to be first in line to take whatever steps need to be taken to remove him from the BOC.. He can take his "concealed" little pistol and pompous attitude and hit the bricks. He is of no use to Ottawa County.... he can take what's left of OI with him! Thank you Sarah for covering the embarrassing truth about the downward spiral that OI continues to be leading our county to. It is sickening to see Moss and OI just wasting our tax money like it is theirs.

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